English speaking readers

Napsal Tomik a Lucik (») 29. 8. 2009, přečteno: 1040×

Tomas: From time to time we meet travellers who would like to share photos or just get some overview about our trip. As you can see this blog is dedicated to Czech readers so it is hard to get orientation. Therefore we would like to give you few advices.

Lucie: Unfortunatelly it is not possible for us to write all posts in english as some of our friens and also our parents don't speak english. You can flick through the articles, just to see the pictures and videos or you can just go to the photogallery (which is 'fotogalerie' in czech language). See the left hand side and simply click on the name of photogallery which interests you. They are in alphabetical order, not chronological.

For your better orientation we include the link to czech-english english-czech dictionary: www.slovnik.cz

Tomas: You can also add an comment on the botttom of each post, but you'll have to fill up sum of two digits, which are in czech. So have a fun ;)


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